Decrease your lost-time work injuries by 70%
Ergonomics is the study of how workers interact with their work environment. Proper ergonomics means using the body safely and the right tools to work with less risk of injury.
Claims for tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back injury are epidemic. IMPACC’S experience in over 400 workplaces since 1983 has led to highly effective strategies reducing claims and meeting OSHA Ergonomic Guidelines. IMPACC’s Industrial Physical Therapists are highly experienced and politically savvy to the workplace; an outstanding track record!
Upon request, a Vantage representative can evaluate a specific job site for a particular employee or general job description. This analysis consists of safety issues, ergonomic settings, and patient education to ensure that proper body mechanics are used by the employee. Once the evaluation is complete, a report is generated stating what changes, if any, need to occur in order to make the work station more compatible to the employee. Vantage will help the employee take an active role regarding injury prevention.
A detailed report will provide the company with its ergonomics plan, which will focus on:
Management Team Training – “T”eaches managers, supervisors and labor leaders the scope of strategies for reducing injuries. Will present the technology and politics of claims prevention. Improving on the job decision making and time utilization. Help build positive attitudes, skills, and commitment: The Management version of the IMPACC BACK SCHOOL and NECK-ARM SCHOOL.
Employee Training – Teach employees that they are industrial athletes. Encourage self care and good health habits. Teach them body mechanics and how best to use their body to earn a living without getting injured.
Ergo-team training – advanced training of a select group to become the in-house team for ongoing problem-solving and long-term success of the company’s investment. Structured to comply with OSHA Ergonomics Guidelines 3123. IMPACC provides the WorkSmart Ergo Plan for Ergonomics Program compliance.
Follow-up programs – follow-up processes to maximize long-range success. Includes implementation analysis of what is working and what can be improved. Helps introduce new tactics to be added to those presented in the initial training. Will review new or persisting problem areas. Provides review classes, advanced exercises, and ergonomics alternatives advice.
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